Imagine a rowboat drifting on a lake. It’s 5am and the fog is just starting to lift as the sun breaks over the horizon. Aboard the boat is a cat and a duck.
Of course, the duck could swim if he wanted to but he prefers motion of the boat as well as the company of the cat. The cat, in spite of the tendencies of his species, does in fact enjoy the company of the duck as well.
Taking turns operating the oars, the duo makes decent headway across the water–they don’t have to be to the opposite shore until dinner time anyway, so they are not in a rush. Taking breaks to snap as passing dragonflies or a bold fish venturing to the surface, they pass the day in leisure.
Pulling up to the dock, the duck ties the boat off while the cat ships the oars. Meandering up the path, they reminisce about a day well spent on the way to their destination.